Multipurpose plow
In spring 2013, Saltvik Mek AS developed a brand new swing plow with ejection on both sides. This model has been named F-type because in Norwegian F stands for multipurpose use.

This multipurpose model is a mix of municipal, diagonal and pointed plows. The plow is moved in the same way as a municipal one, although the F-type's angle is 60° in relation to the road unlike the municipal plow's 90° angle. F-type has a 50° angle in relation to the travel direction with a full turn to the right / left, and in this position the plow has the most optimal ejection. The mix of our A- and DA-series allows us to use A-series' wing, DA-series' direct cutter and both A- and DA-series' wing tip.
The ejection already starts at about 20 – 25 km/h
The plow is very stable and calm on the road
It cleans the edges very well
It lifts the snow up in the wing before ejection
The weight is 1,090 kg, which makes it easy to push and easy to work with
F-type is a multipurpose plow which, with its short extension on the wing, is particularly suitable for narrow spaces as well as wider roads
Ejects to both side
One year warranty for plow
2-year main bolt, lining and shims warranty – requires good maintenance with weekly lubrication
Saltvik Mek AS is working towards lower fuel and repair costs for our customers, compared to heavier plow models. We also care about the environment, and lower consumption leads to lower emissions of polluting gasses. With the plow that clears the bottom and edges very well, you as a customer will not only experience lower fuel, repair and maintenance expenses, but also save valuable time.
Safety is a very important aspect regardless of where you work. During snow removal with Saltvikplogen® plows, drivers can reduce their speed and still lift and eject snow off the roads efficiently. With decreased need for speed, the risk of traffic accidents is also minimized.

F-type is produced according to the Norwegian Public Roads Administration standards. Moreover, we manufactured it especially for working in tough conditions. Saltvik plows have always been known for their solid quality. Therefore, you can still find A- and DA-plows produced in the 1970s and 1980s in use today.
Standard equipment for F-type:
  • Ears for parallelogram lifting device
  • Rubber protection to prevent snow overcasting
  • Stone protection device on both sides
  • Brinell / OF 600 wear-resistant steel. Standard hole spacing of 305 mm
Technical characteristics
Saltvikplogen F-type
Saltvikplogen F-type på Skalandsfjellet på Senja 21.02.14
Saltvikplogen F-type
Nordkappveien 13 mars 2014 med F 280 og Stein Eivind Løvland
Saltvikplogen F-type på Ringsakerfjellet
Saltvikplogen F-280 testet av Lena Maskin AS på Ringsakerfjellet. Testen er gjort med snøskavler på over 3 meter, og plogen kastet over. Hodehøyde i traktoren er på ca 3 m, og i videoen går utkastet høyere. Plogen er veldig stabil og tar bunnen godt. Som det vises på videoen kaster den ikke over. Toppen på vingen er på 1,73 m.
For the price information, please contact our office:
+47 76 95 28 00
Other models:

January 2014

April 2018

March 2018

January 2013

April 2013

May 2014

January 2016

May 2015

lifting device